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Bride Wars《結婚大作戰》精講之三
[ 2009-12-04 15:37 ]

文化面面觀:Save-the-date and wedding invitation




Bride Wars《結婚大作戰》精講之三

Daniel: Yo, Fletch. No, nothin' much. Just lookin' at save-the-dates or invites. Are we still on for tomorrow?

Fletcher: Yeah, totally. Any sign of progress on your end? Is Liv softening at all?

Daniel: No way. And there's no way she's gonna blink first. They haven't spoken for a week. That's a century in girl years. What is it about weddings that makes 'em so worked up?

Fletcher: I know. I have no idea. It's, like, the wrong time to let the guy know that you're crazy. You know what I mean? It's not how I'd play it.

Daniel: Yeah.

Fletcher: Oh, you know what? She's here now. I'll see you tomorrow?

Daniel: All right.

Emma: Hey.

Fletcher: Hi, sweetie.

Emma: Hi.

Fletcher: How was pep squad?

Emma: I hate pep squad. I particularly hate peppy teenage girls...who insist everyone be aggressive - B.E. aggressive. It's, like, there are no other pathways in life besides aggression, you know? I'm gonna call Liv.

Fletcher: Really?

Emma: Yeah. Amie and Marissa are throwing us that joint shower...and it'd be good to have all this behind us by then. Right?

Fletcher: You sure?

Emma: Yeah.

Fletcher: Yeah. I agree. I was just talkin' to Daniel. She's on her cell. You should call her. They're out doin' their save-the-dates or whatever.

Emma: What?

Fletcher: You should hit her up.

Emma: You have to know your "date" date...to send out your save-the-dates. We were both gonna wait, and she-she-I ca-I can't believe it.

Fletcher: You can't believe this? Really? It's Liv. She's always thinking about number one.

Emma: No. Not this time. No. No, no, no, no, no. I am a bride too. Okay? I'm number one too.

Fletcher: I-You are my number one. I know. That's how I feel. Bug, what are you doing?

Emma: (starts writing emails) Subject-

Fletcher: Listen. Listen. No, no, no, no, no.

Emma: Emergency. This is not spam. I'm getting married, June 6-

Fletcher: You don't have to slam on the keys.

Emma: The Plaza Hotel. Be there. XOXOXOXO (typing on the screen: XOXOKJASO). Emma. Address book. B.C.C. everyone. Oops. Not you, Liv. And send.

妙語佳句 活學活用

1. soften: 變溫和,態度軟化。請看例子:

His face seemed to soften a little.(他的臉色看上去變得溫和些了。)

2. blink: 動搖。影片中Daniel說以Liv的個性,她是絕對不會先示弱的。


She blinked as the bright light shone on her.(當強光照著她時,她便眨眼睛。)


blink at a mistake(對錯誤視而不見)

She didn't blink at the idea of leaving her home at once.


3. work up: 使激動。Daniel搞不懂女人為什么在婚禮這件事上這么起勁。請看例子:

Why get so worked up?(為什么如此激動?)

4. peppy:精力充沛的。Emma顯然是把自己的負面情緒轉移到她的學生頭上了。

5. hit up: 聯系某人。看一下例子:

You should hit up Annie to see if she has time.


6. spam: 垃圾郵件。請看例子:

I get over 30 spam mails a week in my mailbox.


7. slam: 猛擊,猛推。Fletcher顯然對Emma狂敲鍵盤的過激反應看不慣。請看例子:

He slammed on the brakes. (他猛力推上制動器。)


His habit of slamming friends made him unpopular.


文化面面觀:Save-the-date and wedding invitation


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