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China Daily Chronology


China Daily debuts in Beijing as the first national English-language newspaper in country. Jiang Muyue and Liu Zunqi are appointed publisher and editor-in-chief respectively.


China Daily North America Edition launchs in New York.


Feng Xiliang is appointed editor-in-chief.


Chen Li is appointed editor-in-chief.


Beijing Weekend is officially launched with an initial circulation of more than 10,000.


Reports from China is launched in the United States and published along with the Washington Post National Weekly.


Shanghai Star, the country’s first regional English-language newspaper, debuts.


21st Century Weekly is launched by China Daily and the Beijing 2000 Olympics Bidding Committee.


Zhu Yinghuang is appointed editor-in-chief.


China Daily expands its number of pages from 8 to 12.


China Daily Online Edition, debuts.


The first "21st Century Cup" National English Speaking Contest, sponsored by China Daily, is held in Beijing.


China Daily Hong Kong Edition is launched.


China Daily publishes an exclusive journal for the Fortune Global Forum convening in Shanghai.


China Daily starts to print in color.


China Daily joins the Asian News Network, an alliance of 14 major Asian newspapers with more than 20 million readers. China Daily is the only representative for China in the alliance.


21st Century Teens is launched with a circulation of 80,000, the current circulation is 1,000,000.


21st Century Kids us launched as the first bilingual newspaper for students in primary and junior high schools.


China Daily expands its pages from 12 to 16.


The first China Daily CEO Roundtable (CDRT) is convened in Hong Kong as a forum for multinationals in China. As of December 2005, 21 sessions have been held in Hong Kong, Beijing, and Shanghai.


China IPR Weekly, the only English-language IPR weekly in the country, is launched.


Zhu Ling is appointed editor-in-chief.


China Daily publishes an exclusive journal for the Fortune Global Forum 2005 in Beijing.


Editor-in-Chief Zhu Ling takes over as Executive President of the Asian News Network.


Average traffic for China Daily Website exceeds five million a day, rising to first among 1,200 sites in Alexa’s global ranking.


China Daily Website uses “Mobile-cast” technology to provide live broadcast services for subscribers.


China Daily East China News Center is established.


China Daily Hong Kong Edition publishes an exclusive journal for the East Asian Games in Macao.


China Daily publishes a special edition for “Shenzhou VI” manned space program, making the first such edition of its kind.


Up to Dec 2005, 21 sessions of the China Daily CEO Roundtable has been successfully convened in Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai, attracting approximately 800 board directors, presidents, CEOs, and high-level managers.



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