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Guangzhou tops Forbes Best Commercial Cities of mainland

Updated: 2010-10-15 14:07
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The list of the "Top of the Best Commercial Cities in Mainland of China of Forbes in 2010" was published on the October 12 in Hangzhou. Guangzhou City gained many laurels.

This was the first time for Guangzhou to top the Forbes list as the best commercial city in Mainland China.

This was the seventh time the Chinese edition of global financial media Forbes Publishing has produced a ranking list of the Top of the Best Commercial Cities on the ChineseMainland. Forbes introduced this 2010 ranking list by assessing a range of talents: city size, consumptive power, passenger transport, freight transport, operational cost, economic vitality and innovation indexes, etc.

Eight of these indexes evaluate the commercial environment of major cities on the Chinese Mainland. Among them, city size, consumptive power and an innovation index were some of the newly added indexes this year. They are used to describe a city's sustainable development abilities in association with economic trends, internal needs, and life in general.

Forbes assessed Shanghai in second position and Beijing in sixth position last year. For this year Guangzhou gained the prestigious laurel as the Top of the Best Commercial Cities in Mainland China. Firstly because of its rising economic vitality (rose 13 positions), innovation abilities (rose 8 positions), and relative decrease of its operations costs (fell 2 positions).

By presentation of statistical data, the increasing amount of Guangzhou's GDP in 2009 was up 11.5 per cent, with the first half year was even up to 13.6 per cent, which places it in the range of the cities whose GDP tops over one billion yuan, after Beijing and Shanghai.