Youcare pharmaceutical group Co. Ltd resumes production of life-saving heart drug
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Protamine Sulfate injection is an anti-heparin drug used to treat bleeding caused by heparin overdose. In many heart surgeries blood solidifies once the heart is cut. Injecting heparin may prevent solidification but in turn may cause further bleeding. Protamine Sulfate injections, which are vital in cardiac surgery, prevent this bleeding. There is no clinical alternative medicine.
The new edition of the Chinese Medicine Dictionary modified the standards of Protamine Sulfate production. It added optical rotation checks as a necessary requirement. This change resulted in many companies becoming unqualified to produce Protamine Sulfate, and reduced the amount of the compound available in the market.
On March 24th, the Chinese Pharmacopoeia Commission deleted optical rotation checks of Protamine Sulfate. In response, Youcare pharmaceutical group Co. Ltd has resumed production to meet market demand.