As China marks its third Constitution Day that falls on Dec 4, it is prudent to remember that is not just a day for pomp and ceremony, but an opportunity for all Chinese to celebrate the rules that govern the nation. more>>
China marks its third National Constitution Day on Dec 4. Officials and legal experts have taken to the streets of Beijing to hand out information booklets and offer free consultations. more>>
Chinese President Xi Jinping asked to enhance public awareness of the Constitution and its implementation as the country observed the third Constitution Day on Dec 4. more>>
December 4 is both China’s National Constitution Day and its National Legal Awareness Day. The 11th Session of the 12th National People’s Congress Standing Committee designated December 4 as National Constitution Day on Nov 1, 2014. That day was chosen because it was on Dec 4, 1982, that the fifth Session of the fifth NPC Standing Committee passed the current Constitution of the People’s Republic of China.
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