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Special notes for studying in China

Updated : 2015-06-09

Change the specialty and transfer to other institutions of higher education

After the admission, international students granted a Chinese Government Scholarship shall pursue the study in the specialty specified in the admission notice issued by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China without changing the specialty. If an international student requests to change his specialty, he shall apply to the institution of higher education by himself, and then the embassy of his home country in China will make the request for him to the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, which will decide whether to approve the change of the specialty or not.

International students studying in China at their own expenses can change their specialty in accordance with the relevant regulations of Dean’s Office of the institutions of higher education.

An international student is not allowed to change the specialty under one of the following circumstances: (1) the international student does not meet the requirements of the intended specialty, or the intended specialty disagrees with accepting him; (2) the international student’s specialty is explicitly restricted upon admission; and (3) the international student has the duration of study beyond the time specified by the institution of higher education for the change of specialty.

International students shall generally complete their studies in the host institution of higher education. If an international student is unable to continue his study in the host institution because of illness or special difficulties, he can apply for being transferred to another institution.

An international student is not allowed to be transferred to other institutions of higher education under one of the following circumstances: (1) it has been less than one semester after the admission; (2) the international student shall be expelled; and (3) other unwarranted circumstances.
