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日本推出3D相機 裸眼看照片也是3D
[ 2010-08-26 09:00 ]

掀起相機3D浪潮的日本富士公司,其最新型的3D數碼相機FinePix REAL 3D W3將在9月初上市銷售。


日本推出3D相機 裸眼看照片也是3D

The new FinePix Real 3D W3 will go on sale in early September, costing around £400.(telegraph.co.uk)

World's first 3D camera unveiled

The world's first 3D camera and printing service has been launched without the need for special glasses.

Photographs on Fujifilm's new FinePix camera can be printed on special 3D paper, ready to stick in the family photo album or be instantly viewed on the camera's built-in display.

Unlike the 3D films in cinemas, special glasses do not need to be worn to show the 3D image.

Fujifilm's camera takes two photos simultaneously from its two lenses which are fixed a similar distance apart to human eyes. Using "lenticular" technology, the separate left and right eye images are interlaced on a furrowed surface to create the stereoscopic illusion.

This method has been used since the 1940s typically on novelty items and stickers, featuring simple two-frame animations, such as a winking eye.

However, the old technology is now being used in a wave of state-of-the-art 3D products, games consoles and billboard posters.

The new camera also incorporates a high-definition 3D video camera, allowing users to watch their home movies back on any 3D TV.

The new FinePix Real 3D W3 will go on sale in early September, costing around £400. Fujifilm said its 3D printing service will be available "shortly" after the camera's launch.


日本申辦2022年世界杯 許諾提供3D直播

《花花公子》趕搭3D熱潮 立體美女成噱頭


比利時報紙出3D版 廣告變立體

(來源:telegraph.co.uk 編輯:Julie)

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