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Lynndie England goes on trial
Britain rocked by pictures of apparent Iraq abuse
Witness: Graner punched Iraqi prisoner
Military hearing set for Lynndie England
US general: I'm told to treat POWS like 'dog'
Prisoners abuse 19
Balance on box 18
Striking 17
Dog menacing 16
Prisoner abuse 15
Another thumb-up sign 14
My Ice-man work 13
Prisoner abuse in US-run jail
Forced sex 1
Abuse from woman 2
Laughing while posing 3
A thumb-up sign 4
Grinning 5
Electrocution 6
Dog menacing 7
Jeremy Sivits
Ends of the leash 8
Image shaming US 9
Ice packed prisoner 10
Image shaming US 11
Sores on hands 12
Lynndie England
Eye on Abu Ghraib
Abu Ghraib prison
Berg's family
Abusive soldiers
Bush still backs Rumsfeld, strongly
American civilian before being beheaded
Rumsfeld's apology
Rumsfeld's apology
Car bomb in Iraq
Bush apologizes

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