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二 stupid but lovely;發怵 feel timid and uneasy

孔子語錄—求知求學 Confucius Quotes: Knowledge and Learning 

看《孔子》學語錄:人生態度 Confucius Quotes: Philosophy Of Life

斷背 brokeback mountain; 動漫 cartoon

二手煙 passive smoke;發燒友 fanatic; 發帖子 post

大派送 give sth free in large quantities

大換血 a metaphor for change; 大款 money-bags; 大賣場 warehouse market

不靠譜 Not accurate or reliable in speech in action

擦邊球 Touchline;菜鳥 rookie;大片 big-budget moive

草莓族 strawberry generation; 蹭飯 Get a free meal

炒作 Promote, 吃不了兜著走 ask for a "doggy bag"

北漂 To come to Beijing and lead an unsettled life;背 be unlucky

爆棚; 背包族 Backpacker;一次性筷子disposable chopsticks

吃醋 Be jealous

出手 Get off one's hands (chu shou)

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