
Regards from foreign minister of Uganda

Updated: 2012-10-23 17:29

Oryem Henry Okello, foreign minister of Uganda talks to chinadaily.com.cn, giving his comment of China's great achievements during the past decades and expectation of the country's new leadership and future after the 18th CPC National Congress.


We want to engage China in helping Africa, and Uganda in particular, in transforming from a backwards society to a modern society and a modern country, like what we've seen in China. We want China to help us put our infrastructure in place. We want China ensure that we increase our business opportunities in China, just as much as China puts in their increasing trade with Africa.

But more importantly we would appreciate China's continued policy on non-interference in the domestic affairs of the African countries Chinese policy of mutual respect of Africans and Africans mutual respect for Chinese. China has respect for our cultures and ways of life, and Africa has respect for China's culture and ways of life. This is the kind of relationship we enjoy with China, and this is the kind of relationship we hope to strengthen.

Videographer: Huan CAO

Video: Lou Yi & Christie Lee

Transcript: Chris Clark

Producer: Flora Yue