

CHINA / National

Transcript of Premier Wen's press conference in Cairo
Updated: 2006-06-19 16:34

Reuters: What do you think is the best way to break the stalemate of the Iranian nuclear issue at the current stage? During your visit, a number of trade agreements will be signed between China and African countries, how do you view such agreements in relation to human rights and environmental protection?

Answer: Let me first make clear the position of the Chinese government on the Iranian nuclear issue. We firmly support maintaining the integrity of international nuclear non- proliferation regime and oppose proliferation of nuclear weapons. We believe that Iran has the right to peaceful use of nuclear energy. But it must honor its due obligations and commitments and take steps to enhance confidence of the international community. We maintain that the Iranian nuclear issue should be resolved through diplomatic means. The proposal made at the foreign ministers' meeting of P-5 plus Germany has laid down the foundation for peaceful settlement of the issue. We hope that parties concerned will seize the opportunity, adopt a constructive attitude and demonstrate greater flexibility to facilitate the early resumption of the negotiation. China will continue to work on and cooperate with relevant parties in its own way.

Africa is home to 53 countries and over 800 million people. China places high value on growing economic and trade relations with African countries. Last year, the total trade volume between China and Africa was merely 39.8 billion U.S. dollars. And Africa ran a trade surplus of 2.4 billion dollars. We see enormous potential in China-Africa economic relations and trade.

We pursue the following three priorities in our efforts to develop economic and trade relations with Africa: First, to expand imports from Africa. China will take strong steps to create conditions for Africa to promote its products in China. Second, to combine technical assistance with economic assistance and cooperation. China will focus on enhancing Africa's capacity for self-development. Third, to help Africa train technicians and management professionals

In developing relations with Africa, the Chinese government adheres to the principle of mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit and non-interference in other's internal affairs. China supports the development of democracy and rule of law in Africa. But we never impose our own will on others. We believe that people in every region and country have the right and ability to properly handle their own affairs. The international community should respect the choice independently made by African countries in terms of model of development.

ITAR-TASS: Was energy cooperation discussed between China and Egypt, especially possible energy supply from Egypt to China?

Answer: China-Egypt cooperation is comprehensive in nature. Energy is an important pillar of the Egyptian economy. We are willing to conduct energy cooperation with Egypt on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

China Radio International: A follow up question on the energy issue. Your visit to Africa attracts a lot of attention. Some reports say that China just wants oil in growing relations with African countries and China is pursuing so-called "neo-colonialism ". What's your comment on this?

Answer: The hat of "neo-colonialism" simply doesn't fit China. For over 110 years after the Opium War in 1840, China was the victim of colonial aggression. The Chinese nation knows too well the sufferings caused by colonial rule and the need to fight colonialism. This is a main reason why we have all along supported the national liberation and resurgence of Africa.

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