China offers the world a path to success
The one who conquers people is strong; the one who conquers himself is powerful. This quote comes from the Chinese sage Lao Tzu. The wisdom of the Chinese people has absorbed thousands of years and is embodied in today's China - a powerful, creative and balanced state. The policy of the Communist Party is balanced, wise and, most importantly, directed inward. This is opposite of the Western way, which is based on expansion, suppression and eternal competition for the right to be the first and only.
The Chinese people have always, throughout their history, followed their own path, not looking back at anyone and not trying to adopt other people's priorities. This is the main basis of Chinese modernization, which is now being considered at the global level.
Many people want to understand how China, which has never waged wars of conquest and has no claim to the territories and resources of other states, was able to reach today's heights. Perhaps the example of China is the only one of its kind. The Chinese dream is fundamentally different from the American dream that much of the world has been striving for, but few have achieved success in because everyone should have their own path, based on their own values, their own experience, national culture and the experience of generations. This is the path to success. China demonstrates this by example, continuing to move forward, regardless of the world's upheavals and problems.
Chinese and Western styles of modernization
China has created an alternative modernization model, and the model is very successful and working. This model is aimed at the development of Chinese society and peaceful coexistence.
If we turn to history, we will see that today's advanced countries have come to their modernization through bloody wars, the blood and misfortunes of other peoples. Chinese modernization, on the other hand, is a process that was formed solely due to internal reserves, resources and transformations. Today, the West seeks to maintain hegemony by preventing the so-called developing countries and third world countries from developing in their own way. Those who want to go their own way get wars, conflicts and permanent destabilization.
The example of China can be inspiring for countries that are not allowed to leave the cohort of developing and underdeveloped countries without adopting a “Western standard”. What is Chinese modernization? This is a model in which the people are put first, acknowledging that they are the driving force of development. Each nation has the right to choose its own path, and the rest must respect this choice.
Chinese modernization is progress, people's prosperity, material well-being, harmony with nature and peaceful development. There is nothing new and incredible in these principles, except that, while modernizing, China considers this process not in isolation from the general development of mankind, but as part of it. Disunity, polarization and the predominance of power hinder the development of civilization, which is characteristic of the Western style of modernization.
The world community must realize and accept once and for all that the modernization of Western capitalist countries is not the only "road map" for mankind in the direction of modernization. One cannot ignore the fact that China, by its unique example, having fulfilled the historic task of intensively eradicating poverty and building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, has opened a new path to modernization for developing countries. It provided a completely new choice for states and peoples interested in developing rapidly, and striving to gradually and methodically implement modernization with the condition of preserving sovereignty and independence.
One of the key principles for achieving Chinese modernization is that Beijing is open to the outside world. The more China is open to all countries, to European and Asian partners, the more harmonious, strong, stable and long-term relations can be built between the states. The doors of China must be opened more and more. The role of China could be to support the modernization of developing countries, the desire to reduce polarization and uphold the principles of international justice.
The Global Civilization Initiative is one of the keys to global stability and security
Beijing has constantly come up with global initiatives. Everyone knows the concept of a common destiny for mankind and the latest Global Civilization Initiative, the main meaning of which is expressed in the need to respect the diversity of world civilizations and their equality.
First, this initiative is one of the keys to global stability and security.
Secondly, this is a very serious initiative that requires attention and comprehensive study. This initiative does not pursue the goal of unifying countries and peoples, but pursues stimulating the individuality of each civilization and unity in this diversity. To some, this may seem like just a philosophical category. However, it is not. Understanding the possibility of unity leads to an understanding of the need for dialogue. The dialogue of civilizations is the basis for sustainable peace and harmonious development of all countries.
Thirdly, the Global Civilizational Initiative is, in fact, a call for peace and united efforts in the face of the problems that are approaching the world. Beijing wants to share that everyone is responsible for whether humanity will be able to overcome these problems. This can only be done together, and the result will be a world order built on the principles of justice, equality and mutual understanding. This is how China itself tries to act; on such principles it builds its policy. The success of this path has already been proven. It is known that not everyone wants to see these realities. China does not impose its model on anyone but rather, it shows the right path and whether to follow it or not is a matter of choice.
It is the same with civilizations - each of them is special and unique, each has the right to develop in its own way. As the Chinese leader said, a single flower does not make spring, while one hundred flowers in full blossom bring spring to the garden. I would like to hope that the words of the Chinese leader will be heard and "the garden of world civilizations will become colorful and bright." China has shown by example that this is possible.
Seymur Mammadov is the director of the international expert club EurAsiaAz and editor-in-chief of Azerbaijan news agency Baku Tribune.
The opinions expressed here are those of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of China Daily and China Daily website.
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